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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/31 22:29:52

一.how to improve psychological health?

学生心理健康的重要性  2.学生应该怎样做 3.学生自己应该怎样做 

二.my plan for the summer vacation   我的暑假很快就到了  我的暑假计划  我的决心 

三.on the food security 食品安全引起人们关注 引起食品安全问题的原因 解决办法

这三篇作文.急用 先放上100分.要是同意就再放分

再问: 120+ 这是大学作文。
再答: =。=我大学毕业好多年 你放心· 不过因为字数多 我会分开给你 你到时候追问我一下就可以了
再问: 那就麻烦你了。真能帮上忙的话我就再给你一点分。
再答: 这是第一篇· 你有什么地方要我修改的话和我说= = 不过提示里面(2)和(3)我怎么觉得很像呢·· How to improve psychological health Psychological health is very important because no one can work or study efficiently or even live in this society normally if that person is not psychologically healthy. Psychological health contains a lot of things. Psychological health decides how a person feel toward a specific thing and how that person can cope with day-to-day life. Nowadays, students are usually very busy and they should pay attention to their psychological health. The easiest way is to do exercises. Exercise is good for both the body and the mind because it is a good way for relieving stress. Students can also talk to their best friends about the things that are bothering them. Instead of think it over and over again, it is better to have someone that you can talk to and get relieved. =..=你能追问我下么|||第二篇贴不上来了
再问: 啦啦啦。谢谢你了。大好人。全有了立马分送到。
再答: My plan for summer vacation I am already a college student and my summer vacation is no longerthe same as the summer vacation for junior or senior hight school students. Itmay be too early for me to seek a permanent job right now; however, I believe Ishould try to get used to the working environment because it will be beneficialin my job-hunting in the future. I think having a part-time job this summerwill be the best choice. The best option for me is to have a job that isrelated to my major. I know the job market is tought right now. Therefore, I amwilling to do any kind of job. Maybe I can work as an office clerk. Besidesthat, I can also work for my professors as an assistant. Although being aresearcher and an office cleark is quite different, the skill that I want toenhance is the interpersonal skill. I believe such experience this summer willbe beneficial to me. 顺便再追问下···
再问: 拉拉阿拉蕾~
再答: On the food security (其实如果是食物安全的话· 应该是food safety···food security是另外的意思·不过你题目既然用的是security我就用security了) Food security becomes a more and more important problem throughout the entire world. Many things are related to food security. For example, handling, preparation, and storage of food. Food security issues may arise within any stage of the food production process. Recently, there are many news regarding food security and people are worried about the food they are eating everyday. The reason is probably because the manufacturer can make profit by using cheaper ingredients or packing materials. The most efficient way is to have the government regulate the food production more strictly and carefully. Besides, commercials regarding the importance of food security may also make people realize that they should make sure the food is safe to eat.