作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

1 Who's the comrade_____ you just shook hand with?a.whom b.w

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/31 14:01:09
1 Who's the comrade_____ you just shook hand with?a.whom b.which c.whose d.of which
2 The knife_____ we cut the bread is very sharp.a.with which b.that which c.which with d.which
3 Is this the factory_____ colour TV sets are produced?a.that b.which c.in which d.in that
4 The first English novel_____ I read was Robinson Crusoe.a.which b.that c.where d.who
5 I remember the day_____ I first cane to the college.a.on which b.in which c.which d.that
6 I have a lot of friends,_____ are college students.a.some of them b.some of which c.some of whom d.some of that
7 Do you know the reason_____ he was late for school?a.of it b.for it c.which d.for which
8 Where is the window_____ glass is broken?a.which b.that c.whose d.its
9 That was the reason_____ Mac gave me the other day.a.why b.for that c.which d.for which
10 Is there any question_____ troubles you much?a.which b.where c.who d.that
1 Who's the comrade_____ you just shook hand with?a.whom b.w
1.A 把从句补充完整应该是:You shook hand with the comrade(是个“人”,而且在从句中作宾语,所以是whom)
3.C The TVs are produced in this factory.把in提前以后,就成了in which
4.B 这是一个固定的用法,从原则上which也是可以的,但是你应该知道which和that的区别用法:(一)限制性定语从句只能用that 的几种情况
(1) The first place that they visited in London was the Big Ben.
5.A 具体时间用on
例句:The young couple have named the day on which they will get married.这对年轻人已经定下了婚期.
7.D for which 表示原因
9.C which在句中作宾语(差点做错了)
10.A 空里的词是从句的主语,但是that是不可以作主语的
例句:These are questions which take precedence of all others.