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Speaking to students这篇文章

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/05 07:59:59
Speaking to students这篇文章
Speaking to students这篇文章
My first eye catching moment was that many students were not Chinese. They were communicating with each other mainly in English and sometimes in other languages. I was very scared to stay there and make myself through. However, one of the Chinese students there invited me to sit beside him and we had a great opportunity to talk with each other. He told me that most students here were from second semester or the third semester, and that is also the reason why they speak English so well. Speaking skill is one of the most important English skill that requires practice, knowledge and confidence.
Practice is such an important thing to do because a good oral skill is developed through talking with English speaking people. In addition, it is even better to hang out with these English speaking friends, and it gives us chance to talk to people in English more frequently. Even though at the beginning, my English was not as great as them, by listening to their talking, I can learn some phrases that are most frequently used and use them as my own. I felt quite amazing after hearing his word. I started to talk with classmates all around me. Day after day, I became more and more familiar with school terminologies, such as assignments, chapters, notes. I felt proud of myself.
Knowledge is another important thing. After a few months, I was able to express myself clearly for any school assignments, but I felt the need to get more into the English culture. Beside the school work, to learn the way of English speaking like western people do is still a lot of work. I asked my teacher how to develop my speaking skill for general topics other than just school works. She said to me that I need to memorize phrases from the book on a regular basis. The purpose is to get rid of my Chinese way of thinking and transfer my knowledge into English logic. Then I started to give myself assignments, which is to memorize 1 phrase per day, practice them, and speak to my classmates. After a few months, I have memorized over a hundred phrases from conversations written on the book. My classmates sometimes were very surprised to hear my speaking in such a perfect western style. I was very glad to be complimented.
By the end of the term, each student is required to present a lecture in front of the class, and that is where I realized the third important element of English speaking, confidence. It takes courage to stand in front of many good English speaking people and speak English to them. Even though my oral skill has improved a lot after the whole semester, I still feel the pressure of speaking them out loudly to all the students. My teacher told me that most English students here were so nervous at beginning, and they messed up with their presentation because of this effect. However, I need to be confident with myself. I must keep telling myself that I am the best in the class and I speak well influenced English. Forgetting about all the competitor sitting there and listening, I am so confident to stand up and give my lecture. I did quite well. It is not that difficult as I thought, and I take the lecture more and more like a free speech. After my presentation has finished, I hear the applause, I felt so grateful to improve my English speaking skill to this far and all the encouragement from this English speaking environment.
According to my experience, speaking skill takes time to develop into more sophisticated level. As you practice more and more, until you are able to communicate with English speakers around you, you will feel completely free from fear to speak.
Personally speaking,it has to be decided according to the students' situation,the teacher should take different ways to the students of different levels of ability.For example,some good students are in a poor class,if the teacher only concentrate on the good students,then the class will become a class which good students are no longer good,poor students are poorer and poorer.
Maybe you can consider if it were you,what will you do when you can't undersrand in the lesson?If it were me,at the beginning,I will continue listening to the lesson as a result of my persistance.However,I will give up gradually.What can you do if you don't need to listen to the lesson?It's quite simple,you can disturb the order of class,review other subjects,or you can disturb other classmates.All in all you can do anything you want.Thus,the good students can't concentrate on the class absolutely,and at the same time,teacher's enthusiasm of teaching will be badly affected,even the teacher will stop to put the order straight.That will cause the good students become no longer good,poor students become poorer and poorer.
In my view,I prefer standing on the poor students' side.For example,let the teacher begin from the basic things,because of that,the poor students will have a chance to remedy while they used to be poor because of laziness.So,the poor students will become more hardworking and diligent.Only this can lead a result of getting twice the result with half the effort.Why not do it gladly?
in my opinion, to improve students' english of speaking and listening , firstly, we shall help them to get interested in english . secondly, speaking english also needs to speak loudly . don't be shy to speak . please speak up . try your best to open your mouse .teachers also need to have confidence in studentes and tell them that they are the best . thirdly, listening is a hard job . but we had better listeng many english tapes ,such as crazy english. only if listen enough will you have abilities to listen wel.
How to learn english best?"
First of all, we must understand that learning English is by no means to see a cartoon, not overnight thing. To no less than some painstaking efforts, and does not charge a little effort you can learn English, it is absolutely impossible. Therefore, we learn English, there must be confidence, be patient, step by step to adhere to the study continues, this will be harvested.
Secondly, in order to learn English, you have to start listening, speaking start. Class, attentively listened to the teacher talk, listen to the students that his own hands up to speak boldly to speak English.
Multi-class listening to tapes, repeated practice, try to imitate the correct pronunciation and intonation. Adhere to a half-hour a day reading the English language. People often say that the "boxing not leave their hands, Qu vanguard" is this truth.
Thirdly, in order to learn English, you have to have a few dice tenacity. Learned of the Words and sentences have to remember, and truly master it, and 10 million Do not want to put only the memory of the surprise exam. Period, the final exam, the hundreds of thousands of words, how can one go back down? So, remember the word must be accumulated, prepare a small child to carry the better. For example, today learned 10 words, remember the seven remaining three also remember how, when you can put them into a small book on the mind. Carry with them a small book, availability you pulled it to see it much slower to catch, to say it several times. Look at more times, and that the number of more, hard to remember the words can remember. Of course, the note should also include a sentence Shengci better one in mind, so remember the prison. Remember new words by a sentence, not only expanded the vocabulary, but also to remember the word's usage, really serve the dual purposes.
Fourth, in order to learn English, we still need more brains. A variety of methods to be used, in various forms to Memorize the Equations of Qiao Xue.
For some difficult to understand the knowledge, we can put it to use one or two core part of a good mind, good catchy words summed up to memory. Few and little usage example, students are often wrong, you can use the following words to memory: " 'letter small' modification of countable nouns; 'letters more than the' modification of uncountable nouns; have a, there are a few, there is a little bit; not a, little has gone almost. "
While others can be doggerel, aphorisms, etc. to help the memory.
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Often asked: What are tips to learn English? To speak frankly, in order to master a language, the language environment in the absence of the necessary conditions, it is really no shortcuts to take.
To sum up, only two words: The next hard effort. This is definitely not casual, I just pretty words. With my experience of the past few years to learn English, and only accumulated, through the quantitative be possible to achieve a qualitative leap. There was a time I remember the next lot of hard work of some later, I still feel that their English improved too slowly, so deliberately to relax for a few days. Who would have thought to wait until then to start learning the new only when clearly feel a lot of setbacks. Since then, I'll set itself such a motto: "boxing not leave their hands, music vanguard," perseverance. To learn English, interest is very important. As Einstein said, "interest is the best teacher." Interest in learning English has inspired my curiosity. It is said that a high level of English to find the ideal job in the future even to leave the country's capital. This is no doubt good, but beyond that, I feel that English is a window, and he shows us is a vast world with one of novel scene. When I was able to exchange in English with foreign friends to understand the foreign society, history, science and culture, and get first-hand information, I realized that I had to master a language of beauty.
To learn English, a set of scientific methods of learning is essential. Due to personal reality is different, be applied mechanically is not feasible. However, I believe: as long as a careful understanding, and gradually groping, everyone can create a set of unique and effective way of learning. Here, I would like to join us to talk about my process of learning English, some experience for reference. Although the basis of high school my English good, but just beyond the threshold of college, I was deeply feel their gaps. To a certain degree of listening, speaking, reading and writing ability, first of all to grasp the 5000-8000 term. As a high school graduate, I had a vocabulary is woefully inadequate. So, I decided to rapidly expand the vocabulary as a major breakthrough. Some students like the back voluminous vocabulary manual, and I think that to do so, not only boring, does not help to maneuver. I then put the focus put on reading, vocabulary and reading go hand in hand, creating a multiplier effect. In order to rapidly expand the vocabulary from the outset, I would choose something more difficult for us at the time of reading material too large. A thousand-word article, usually twenty or thirty new words. These articles covered a wide range, including a number of areas of vocabulary.
I usually take "twice read the Law," which focused on training in the first pass reading ability, and the second over the focus on expanding vocabulary and develop a sense of language. At first, training in reading, I made reference to the "Active Readers" book. First, to improve reading speed from the start. To concentrate on reading a moderate length of the article, note the starting and ending time, and calculate the amount of unit time to read. Forcing its own quick reading, it became my habit. On the first pass reading process, I will focus on the training speed, grasp the article to the effect and the basic structure, and to identify problems in order to further reading and focus on solving. Read the second time the focus is twofold: First, expand vocabulary. Specific methods are: the articles a few again and find out the hygiene words, remember to small notebook, the time Take them back. Back words, I never use the entire time. When learning the content of other less efficient when, for me, back the most suitable word. Each time the back is not necessarily very long, your repeated several times. I was using English-Chinese dictionary, because I think English is not easy to remember to explain. Expansion of vocabulary in the early stages of understanding of the word paraphrase the most important. In this way, as the reading increases, the surface of the widening my vocabulary by leaps and bounds also had. It was only later to prepare TOEFL, GRE and other exams, I began to back words manual and explain the use of English in order to understand the exact meaning of the word and use of language environments.
Second pass reading of the second focus is to foster a sense of the phrase. Carefully to appreciate the wonderful language, pay attention to the use of the word, as well as with, for some passages I often read aloud, or even memorize down. This will help strengthen the sense of language; laying the foundation for writing. Reading law through this twice, the reading of the content in my mind a very deep impression in general, but also improve the utilization of reading materials. I attach great importance to the choice of reading materials. Not only proceed from the interest on the contrary, there is a conscious reading some of my limited knowledge, and even less interested in science, history, philosophy, etc. articles. In addition, for different training purposes, I also selected the contents of the difficulty of different reading materials. For example, a quick reading, you can choose the amount of Shengci smaller, shorter articles; and focus on expanding vocabulary, broaden horizons of reading training, on the choice of British and American newspapers and magazines. In addition, I also focus on step by step, according to different stages of change in their standard of English, select the appropriate reading materials. In listening, speaking, reading and writing four aspects, but I have "read" infinite benefit. Through a large number of conscious reading, on the one hand expanded the vocabulary, the other cultivated sense of language. The two aspects I think it is to master a language two pillars. As for the listening, speaking, writing three links, I actually did not undergo any special training. Read more things, and vocabulary is large enough, strong enough sense of language, as long as more practice, these three aspects is its ability to increase natural.
In listening, speaking, the English broadcasts, as well as original movies are excellent media. In addition, the use of every possible opportunity to talk with foreign friends, and strive to imitate, have been rather effective. As to the writing, in reading less than the amount of the initial stage, I am in no hurry to start writing their own, but to learn, to imitate some of the classic chapters. "New Concept English," Volume III, as well as intensive reading textbooks, some of the wonderful chapter, I have been back, and often use the morning time to read aloud, or listening to the radio. As a result, the ears hear, eyes to see the authentic English, the course of time he also learn to speak, learning to write. Some people asked me: How can I get in a variety of English language test scores. In fact, I do not have any special examination measures. In listening, speaking, reading and writing ability to gradually increase, based on the slightest to do some mock examination papers to understand the characteristics of various tests and the results will naturally not bad. I think that, rather than to the test on the eve of engaging questions sea tactics, Daohai than a down, bit by bit accumulation. In my opinion, to learn English, the "trick" is nothing more than hard work plus ingeniously. Because I am convinced that: into the power of nature.