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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/16 22:24:44
程度 程度:chénɡ dù 1.法度;标准.2.程限;进度.3.文化﹑教育﹑知识﹑能力等方面的水平.4.事物发展达到的状况.1.法度;标准.2.程限;进度.3.文化﹑教育﹑知识﹑能力等方面的水平.4.事物发展达到的状况.程度:[ chéng dù ] 1.level 2.degree 其它相关解释: 例句与用法:1.水源污染已经达到危及居民健康的程度.Pollution of the water supply reached a level pernicious to the health of the population.2.一些经济学家对失业率达到前所未有的程度表示忧虑.Some economists showed their anxiety on unprecedented level of unemployment.3.国民财富在很大程度上取决于一个国家的教育水准.National wealth depends to a high degree on a country's educational standard.4.他很固执,她也固执,不过程度轻些.He is stubborn,and so is she,but to a lesser degree.5.在一定程度上,做好这项工作是他的职责.It is to a certain degree his responsibility to see that the job is done.6.她也受到波及,但程度较轻.She had also been affected,but to a lesser degree.7.《哈姆雷特》是今年高级程度考试中指定的必读书.`Hamlet' is a set text for A level this year.8.辐射作用已达到前所未有的程度.Radiation reached unheard-of levels.