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英语翻译I feel very miserable..I know I have no chance..i miss u

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/09 07:06:36
I feel very miserable..I know I have no chance..i miss u..baby..no doubt about it..u are far away from home..from me..I want to give u a hearty laugh..but..I lost myself..What u say or do will have an effect on others..u made me sad...Somebody told me..'Christine..let bygones by bygones..'there's no point in repeating the question,..i need a minute to catch my breath..what happen..who knows..who care..just like a story..u are the world for me.u matter to me..the saying goes ..Even hormer sometimes nods..but u doesn't care about me..what's the goal in life..a thoughtless act or remark can spoil a perfect relationship..if u do will hurt others ..don't do it..After all..what goes around come around..Don't trust to chance..Don't over do it..Don't let me down..For all of us..there never was a good war..or a bad peace..To realize the value of one minute..who are u vaiting to meet..never .ever be a baby..a sense of duty..I need it..Don't always blame ur own failure on others..sometimes urself are to blame..many things in our lives are often contrary to our expectation..just like a joke..a joke for me..maybe silence is a device to avoid disputes..easy come easy go..so ..live me alone..i need some space..to ..think about it..all the thing ..all our life ..i will come back for u..in the furture..be my shelter..keep up fighting..a za a za..fighting..everything..i do..i do it 4
英语翻译I feel very miserable..I know I have no chance..i miss u
我感到很痛苦,我知道我没有机会了,我十分想念你,亲爱的,这是毋庸置疑的,你离家离我千里之外,我想给你一个会心的笑容,但是,我迷失了我自己,你的一言一行对别人都有影响,你使我痛彻心扉.有人告诉我.“克里斯丁.让过去的都过去吧.”重复这个问题没有丝毫意义,.我需要时间喘口气.发生什么事情了,谁知道呢,谁又关心呢就像一个故事,你就是我的世界,你对我意义非凡,俗话说,智者千虑必有一失.但是你一点也不关心我,那我的目标又何在呢?一些轻率的动作或语言就能破话一段美好的感情.如果你要伤害别人,千万不要这么做,毕竟,恶有恶报,不要存有侥幸心理,也不要做得太出格了,不要让我失望,我们两之间要么争执不断,要么互不理睬,冷眼相对.你要了解每一分钟的价值,了解你在等谁?不要总是像一个孩子一样,我需要一种责任感,不要总将自己的失败归咎于别人,有时是你自己的错,我们一生中有许多事情事与愿违,就像玩笑,对我来说就像笑话,或许宁静才是远离斗争的方法,好聚好散,所以,让我独自静一静,我需要一些空间来思考一下它,思考这一切,思考我们的人生,将来我会回到你身边,让你做我的避风港,加油,a za a za(不知如何翻译),我所做的一切都是为了你(这段话貌似是某位亚历山大.拿破仑大帝写给他老婆约瑟芬的信吧,读起来很耳熟)