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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/13 19:57:17
This muffled creak is what researchers heard repeatedly when they listened to giant South American river turtles swimming together.It could help explain how the animals coordinate their behaviour so well in the nesting season,when females gather in large groups at beaches before laying their eggs.
The researchers used microphones above and below the water to record the turtles at different stages in the season.And when the newly hatched turtles and adults were together in the river,scientists heard a different sound.
(Turtle sounds)
This,they think,is parents guiding their newly hatched babies on their first migration.Also the researchers say that their study also shows how vulnerable turtles could be to man-made noise disturbing this quiet but seemingly vital chatter.
This muffled creak是主语 is是系动词 what researchers heard repeatedly 是表语从句
when they listened to giant South American river turtles swimming together是表语从句中的状语从句.
It 是主语could help 是谓语explain 是秃头不定式作宾语
how the animals coordinate their behaviour so well in the nesting season是不定式的宾语从句,when females gather in large groups at beaches before laying their eggs是宾语从句中的.状语从句.
The researchers 是主语used是谓语 microphones是宾语 above and below the water是地点状语 to record the turtles at different stages in the season是目的状语
.And when the newly hatched turtles and adults were together in the river是状语从句.,
scientists是主语 heard 是谓语a different sound是宾语.
This是主语,they think是插入语,is是系动词 parents guiding their newly hatched babies on their first migration是动名词的复合结构作表语.
Also the researchers是主语 say是谓语 that their study also shows how vulnerable turtles could be to man-made noise disturbing this quiet but seemingly vital chatter是宾语从句.
其中their study 是宾从中的主语also shows是宾从中的谓语 how vulnerable turtles could be to man-made noise disturbing this quiet but seemingly vital chatter是宾从中的宾语从句
其中how是状语 vulnerable turtles 是主语could be disturbing 是谓语this quiet but seemingly vital chatter是宾语to man-made noise是状语