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英语翻译宗教是一种文化现象,西方人信仰基督教,英语中有些习语主要与基督教有关,如:in the right church

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/07 21:01:27
宗教是一种文化现象,西方人信仰基督教,英语中有些习语主要与基督教有关,如:in the right church,but in the wrong pew(进对了教堂,但坐错了椅子,比喻总的来说是对的,但细节上不对),God helps those who help themselves(自助者,天助也,而我国以佛教的影响最大,“佛教传入中国是在西汉末年,已经有一千多年的历史了.汉语随之出现一些来自佛教或与佛教有关的习语.因此人们相信有“佛祖”在左右着人世间的一切,与此有关的习语也很多,如:借花献佛、闲时不烧香,临时抱佛脚、五体投地、回头是岸、顶礼膜拜、道高一尺,魔高一丈等等.”[5](p52)
中英两国都有着悠久的历史,习语中有很大一部分皆来源于丰富的民间传说和历史故事,如英语中“cross the Rubicon”(孤注一掷)源于罗马历史故事;“castle in the air”(空中楼阁)源于神话传说;“hang by a thread”(千钧一发)则源于希腊故事,如:cat’s paw 直译为猫爪子,源于《伊索寓言》,用来比喻“被人当作工具使用的人”或“受人愚弄的人”.Pandora’s box 直译为潘多拉的盒子,意思是“无穷的灾难”.meet
one’s waterloo(一败涂地)、Penelope’s web(永远完不成的工作)
英语翻译宗教是一种文化现象,西方人信仰基督教,英语中有些习语主要与基督教有关,如:in the right church
people believe in Christianity,and you can see some common expressions related to Christianity:in the right church,but in the wrong pew ( this says that you have the wrong seat though you enter the right church,which means apparantly that is right,but that is wrong in the point of details); God helps those who help themselves.Buddism has great influence on our country."Buddism was introduced to China at the end of Dynasty Han,which was more than thousand years ago.Chinese language also has some common expressions that are relevant to Buddism after that.Therefore,Chinese people belive that Buddha controls all kinds of things in the natural world,and expressions related to it has a great amount.For instance,borrow sth.to make a gift of the Buddha; never burn incense when all is well,but clasp Buddha's feet when in distress; admire somebody from the bottom of one's heart; repent and be saved; pay homage to the Buddha; however persuasive Buddha is,evil is still stronger and so on.
Literary Quotaion
China and Great Britain have centuries-old history,and most parts of the daily expressions are based on the resource of their plenty folklores and literary quotations.For exmaple,terms "cross the Rubicon" is originated from the literary quotation of Rome;
"castle in the air" is originated from fairy tales and mythes; "hang by a thread" is derived from a tale of Greece.Anther example like "cat's paw",which is derived from Aesop's Fables,is used as a metaphor as "man who is used as a tool" or "a foolish man".Pandora's box means "endless disasters".Meet one's waterloo,Penelope's web are have the similar meaning of it.In Chinese expressions,they are mostly from literary quotations,nursery tales and legends,like "hope for gains without pains","pretend to like something which one really fears" and so on,which are from fables,while "Chang Er Flies to the Moon" is from a legend.