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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/22 21:38:10
Peter was born in Moscow in 1672. He is the Czar Alexis and his second wife维塔利尔纳Lishijinuo the only son. Peter on less than 4-year-old father died. Alexis because of his first wife for Health and the 13 children, the successor to the throne on the issue of a long life-and-death struggle. Once he had to flee in order to preserve life. Peter's half-sister Princess Sofia ( "Lu Dingji" Princess Sofia in the prototype) done a few years Regency Wang, until 1689 were not dismissed from the Regent throne. Since then Peter's position has been really solid.
Peter extraordinary instrument, tall and portly (at least 6-foot-6), energetic,潇洒jubilant. But he always Fapi Qi, excessive drinking when Dafaleiting. Peter Apart from the political and military order, but also on the shooting, printing, marine and shipbuilding research done. He is an outstanding emperors.
Peter was married twice and. His 17-year-old Nigerian with more than Ke-Ya marriage, the couple live together only a week's time. His 26-year-old when she was sent to a monastery. In 1712 he and her divorce and marriage with another woman. His second wife Catherine is a woman who Hanwei of Lithuania. Original Peter and his wife have a son named Alexis, but both father and son relationship is also deteriorating. 1718 Alexis in jail and suffer torture, and finally died in prison. Peter himself in early 1725 in St. Petersburg died, aged 52 years. His successor is his widow Catherine (Do not mix up with Catherine the Great)
1689 Russia is a backward country, almost all the backward areas than in Western Europe for centuries. Are rife with serfdom — — actually increase in the number of serfs, and in reducing its legal authority. Russia missed a great opportunity for the Renaissance and the Reformation. Clergy ignorance; bleak matt literature, mathematics and natural sciences no Wenjin. Compared with Western Europe, Russia is still almost medieval period. In Western Europe, at this time of Newton's "theory of natural philosophy," has just come out, literature and philosophy and the cause of prosperity.
1697-1698, Peter to Western Europe was a long-distance travel, once he then set the tone of the rule of travel. He next士彼得米哈伊洛夫identity, led by a composition of about 250 people from the "huge mission." As the use of a pseudonym Peter (Luyouteer metres Yiluo Fu), which he has seen many otherwise we will not be able to see things. In this trip, he was the Netherlands the Dutch East India Company when a period of the masters, the British shipyard also worked in the Prussian school shooting. He visited factories, schools, museums, arsenal, and even participated in the British Parliament at the next session. In short, he made the greatest efforts to study Western culture, science, industry and administration methods.
Minister in 1698 when the number of greetings Yuantu return to the Bidetaidi, Peter suddenly Cao Qi in the hands of the scissors cut their beards, which has opened the prelude to a series of reforms. These reforms mainly in the north and Sweden to the war against the background of the implementation.
On the military side, Peter compulsory military service, the introduction of foreign strategic new weapons and technologies, has also established a strong navy. On the economic front, Peter strongly encourages the development of commerce and industry, allowing business owners to buy the entire village of serfs to factory work, the approval of foreigners in Russia run factories. In order to encourage Western technology and the introduction of technology, he brought in many Western technical personnel in Russia, also sent many young Russians to Eastern Europe to study.
On the political front, the purpose of reform is to establish the integrity of centralized rule, to strengthen efficiency. Deprived of aristocratic lords of the Duma of the functions and replace them with politics homes, under 11 Commission (in fact equivalent to Western countries, "Ministry") is responsible for the specific work; oust the big long and replace them with religious hospital, a church State power part of the region, the country is divided into 50 provinces. Peter has also promulgated a "functional" and the civil and military officials will be divided into 14 different levels, all the doors regardless of the first officials who should be the minimum level from the start, relying on merit promotion.
On social issues, Peter also advocate of the West. He issued a decree that everyone has a beard can not (although he later made to amend the Act), asked the court must wear suits to discourage smoking and drinking coffee. Although he has many of the policies formulated at that time was strong opposition, but these policies has brought a long-term impact: Russia from the elite class rule this country in many ways the ultimate implementation of the Western customs and culture.
One can imagine that the Russian Orthodox Church that Peter is a backward and reactionary forces. Peter is the Church of the successful implementation of some restructuring, and to a large extent it was the control. Peter founded in Russia non-religious schools, to encourage the development of science. He also introduced the Julian Calendar, and modernization of Russian letters. Under his rule, founded the first Russian newspaper.
Russia and the West of the country's modernization launched a series of large-scale reform. Peter during the entire reign to encourage industrial and commercial development. Under his rule, has expanded the size of cities and towns, the bourgeoisie in a number of growth, expanded the influence.
In addition to all these reform of the House, Peter also on foreign policy reform, the future has important implications. Under his leadership, Russia's war in the south and Turkey, Sweden and the war in the north. Turkey Chuzhan victory in the 1696 capture of the port of Azov, which in some ways for Russia to the Black Sea opened up a path. But late in his rule, Turkey got the upper hand in the fighting, in 1711 he was forced to the port of Azov returned to Turkey.
Sweden combat with the whole situation is almost the case with Turkey combat the contrary; Russian Chuzhan lost, but won the final victory. 1700, Russia and the alliance with Denmark and Sweden, Saxony started a war, when Sweden was a major military powers (Poland subsequently declared war on Sweden). 1700 Battle of Narva in Russia failed. After the battle, King of Sweden put attention to other enemies. At the same time, Peter reconstruction of the Russian army. Sweden and Russia once again at war, in 1707 the Swedish army in Poltava complete failure.
Russia's annexation of territory by war and large, including Estonia, Latvia and Finland near an important territory. Although the conquest of territory is not great but it is very important because it provides the Balkans to Russia a sea of exports, thus providing a "window of the J-European." Peter the two sides in the Neva River, that is, in the amount of land conquered the Swedish part, the city established a new — — St. Petersburg (called Leningrad). In 1721 he moved to Moscow to the capital from St. Petersburg. Since then, St. Petersburg became Russia's contacts with the major Western European locations.
Peter's many domestic policies and repeatedly launched wars of the external course have to pay a high price, inevitably forced to increase taxes. High taxes and reform itself angered many Russians, there have been several incidents since the rebels, but have been ruthlessly suppressed Peter go on. Although Peter in the heyday of their own in many enemies, but today the West and the Communist Party Historians have all agreed that the Russian Czar Peter the Great in the tsar.
Peter added to the list because he was in the West and modernization of Russia played an important role. But one might ask: the rulers in many other countries have implemented similar policies, why let Peter income of the other and discard most of the rulers? »
In the 20th century today, the majority of heads of state really understand their countries, especially in science and technology taking the road of the importance of the West. But in 1700 the majority of people outside Europe to the achievement of the West also recognized the benefits unclear. Peter's significance is that he can first understand the times for two centuries to make the Western countries and the importance of modernization. As Peter's foresight and sagacity, while in Russia before his accession to the throne still very backward, but has far exceeded the capacity of the world's most countries. As the 18th century and 19th century Western Europe has been very rapid development, Russia will not be able to keep pace with Western Europe.
Eastern Europe on the territory of another important country in Turkey and Russia formed a particularly sharp contrast. Turkey and Russia are half the European countries. On the throne of Peter the previous two centuries, the Turkish military, economic and cultural advanced than Russia. In this context, Turkey in the whole history of Russia advanced than most of the period. However, in 1700 before and after, which Turkey does not recognize the sovereign of the importance of prompt Western countries and to push forward towards that direction. So Peter period of time since Russia has made rapid progress, but only Turkey is the slow pace of forward. Until the beginning of the 20th century, at the end of Kai Er Aita leading Turkish Grand Turk before quickly moving forward to achieve the goal of modernization. At that time, Russia's control of Central Asia have been very solid, Russia in industrial and advanced education than Turkey.
Today, we undoubtedly will be a strong and Russia than Turkey for granted. But Bidedadi assumption that Russia and Turkey was not a great advocate reform of the monarchy, then Turkey today is a big power out, but now is likely to curb the Soviet Union in East Asia (the region's residents are Muslims; Turks and their relationship with Russia than to the much closer relationship). Although the Russians in Bidedadi previously occupied the great part of Siberia, but either Peter formulate the policy of reform and modernization so that Russia becomes strong, they will have to the occupied part or all of Siberia and was ceded to Turkey, China or Japan.
Bidedadi not just a trend in accord with the monarchy, but a stand in the forefront of the times people. Have every reason to think that was his foresight that has changed to make history and change the direction, along an otherwise will not be able to follow the path of development. For these reasons, I think Peter should have a place in the book.
In determining the place of Peter, I put him and Britain's Queen Elizabeth I to be compared, which by some inspiration. Elizabeth visibility, particularly in the West much more than Peter. But I think that even if is to convince one of the most flattering words will be said of the Russian people believe that Elizabeth influence than Bidetaidi are difficult. Peter Elizabeth more than the rich and the pioneering spirit of reform, he embarked on the Russians so that they had never thought of a way to go, Elizabeth and her main representative of the unanimous desire of the people. In fact if not in the United Kingdom during most of this century in the world, the role of the far larger than Russia's, Peter and Elizabeth in the rankings gap on the big or even more.