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(新目标)英语八年级上册UNIT4的词组 和 语法

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/22 18:43:01
(新目标)英语八年级上册UNIT4的词组 和 语法
(新目标)英语八年级上册UNIT4的词组 和 语法
8A unit 1 重点短语 一所理想中的学校 an ideal school 1.学校生活 school life 2.中学 high / secondary school 3.一楼 first / ground floor 4.垃圾桶 garbage can 5.在八年级 in Year 8/ in Grade 8/ in 8th grade 6.一所男女混合学校 a mixed school 7.一起上课 have lessons together 8.家政课 Home Economics 9.为我自己做事情 do things for myself 10.做健康可口的饭菜 cook healthy and tasty meals 11.阅读周 a reading week 12.也 as well 13.上驾驶课 have driving lessons 14.开车送某人去…… drive sb.to … 15.花大量时间做某事 spend a lot of time doing sth.16.在拍挡俱乐部 at the Buddy Club 17.帮助某人做某事 help sb.(to) do sth./ with sth.18.做某事很开心 have a great time / fun doing sth.19.和……一样 the same as 20.和……不同 be different from 21.休息更多星期 have more weeks off 22.休息半年 have half a year off 23.乘校车 take the school bus 24.倘使……会怎样 what if 25.住院一个月 stay in hospital for a month 26.戏剧兴趣小组 Drama Club 27.参加学校组织的旅行 go on school trips 28.课外活动 after-school activities 29.有大量的时间做…… have a lot of time for … 30.半小时的回家作业 half an hour of homework 31.能够 be able to 32.穿校服 wear school uniforms 33.(两者中的)一个……另一个…… one … the other … 34.喜欢看电视 like watching TV 35.较少的广告 fewer advertisements 36.全世界的学校 schools around the world 37.美式足球(橄榄球) American football 38.英式英语 British English 39.全面了解我的新学校 learn all about my new school 40.帮助我做家庭作业 help me with my homework 41.在午饭期间 during lunchtime 42.在午饭时间 at lunchtime 43.互相交谈 talk to each other 44.一个亲密的朋友 a close friend 45.一个女孩写的文章 an article written by a girl 46.驾驶课 driving lessons 47.烹饪课 cooking lessons 48.拉拉队 support group 49.空闲时间 free time 50.晨会课 morning assembly 51.多远 how far 52.多长时间 how long 53.多久(表频率) how often 54.步行去学校 go to school on foot / walk to school 55.开车去上班 drive to work 56.乘飞机去上海 go to Shang Hai by plane / take a plane to Shang Hai / fly to Shang Hai 57.伤了她的腿 hurt her leg 58.向窗外看 look out of the window 59.养一只宠物猴 get a pet monkey 60.搬到加拿大 move to Canada 61.晚起 get up late 62.餐厅,食堂 dining hall 63.流行音乐 pop music 64.半个小时 half an hour 65.在周末 at weekends 66.回行针 paper clips 67.如何烹饪和缝纫 how to cook and sew 68.在每节课最后 near the end of each class 69.和某人谈论某事 talk to sb.about sth.70.一种球类运动 a kind of ball game 71.你所崇敬的人 someone you admire 72.一门关于……的学科 a subject about … 73.在16岁 at age 16 74.与某人见面做某事 meet sb.to do sth.75.不介意 don’t mind sth.76.上电视 be on TV 77.和……一样大小 the same size as