作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/08/01 01:08:29
1)Come up with a definition for what friendship means in China.
2)What are 3 qualities you want in a good friend?What are 3 qualities you don’t want in a friend?Why?
3)How and where do people in China make their closest friendships?
4)If you move to a new place,what is a good way to make new friends?
5)What advice would you give a foreigner about how to develop good friendships with Chinese people?
6)If there is a foreign volunteer in your group,ask him/her what advice he/she has about being friends with westerners.
In China,friendship can be defined as a very close relationship among two people who trust each other and can share their secrets.The 3 qualities that I want my good friend to has are genuine,honest and moral.Only when my good friends are genuine can I trust him or her because I will know that he or she will never lie to me.I don't want to be fall into a situation where I have to guess when my friend is telling a truth or a lie.Put it in other words,if that person regards me as his or her good friend,that person should make me feel that I can trust him or her all the time.Honest is a similar idea.Even if I did something wrong or inappropriate,I wish my good friend could correct me.I also want my good friend to be moral because I am a moral person and it's just hard to be a friend with someone who is immoral.The 3 qualities that I don't want a friend to have are untrustworthy,being a miser or immoral.Because I want to share my secrets with my friends,I don't want them to spead my secrets every where.Therefore,my friends can't be untrustworthy.My friend can't be a miser either because I personally think generosity is a good character and I can't accept a miser to be my friend.Similarly,if my friend is immoral,I might be considered immoral as well since it seems like I regard immoral as an acceptable chracteristic.
People in China make their closest friendship in school or at work.It's hard to be close friends with someone that you can't see very often.You can start with chatting with that person very often and then maybe having dinner together,go watch movies,or sing at a karaoke.If I move to a new place and I am still in school,I will ask my classmates questions and talk to them more.Then we can start talking about personal things.If I get a new job,I can ask my new colleagues job-related things and then hang out after work.If a foreigner wants to make friends with Chinese people,the foreigner should learn the Chinese culture and definitely learn how to eat real Chinese food.The best way probably will be go have some drink together because alcohol tend to make people more friendly.The foreigner can also share western culture with Chinese people which may interest them.People should also watch each other's body language closely.
= =你最后那个小问题感觉不是一个问题嘛···- -不过之前这点应该也够说2,3分钟了·
再问: 可以在改简单点吗。不一定所以问题都要写,这样好像有点多
再答: = =||||||我建议你可以只用第一段·虽然问题只说了两个···= =你不说几个字和别的要求· 我很难改额····