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求助英语作文 急根据下面提供的故事结尾 用英语记叙或杜撰一个生活事例 完成故事 “she will be alright

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/04 21:45:04
求助英语作文 急
根据下面提供的故事结尾 用英语记叙或杜撰一个生活事例 完成故事 “she will be alright,”he said to himself when the ambulance arrived five minutes later.注意 无须写标题 内容只涉及一个方面 词数120左右
求助英语作文 急根据下面提供的故事结尾 用英语记叙或杜撰一个生活事例 完成故事 “she will be alright
My mother got sick with Hepatitus A when I was 12 years old and my parents had just gotten divorced.We had just moved to a small town of about a thousand people and we were there because my mother's brother and his family were living there,and with four kids under 12,my Mum wanted some adults around to help her out.So when Mum and Dad split up,we moved to Rosewood.
She contracted Hep A from one of the kids at my brothers' day care centre and was quite sick for about 9 weeks.At the time,my brother Kristian was about 18 months old,Mitchell was about 3 and my sister Ashleigh would have been nearly 11 I think.Mum was bright yellow from jaundice and could barely move without being sick.I reflected recently on the things I learned to do when she was sick,and I was twelve:
I learned to do grocery shopping for five people,and the best way to get all the bags home from the shops,not being able to drive and all.I took my bike and my brother's toy wagon with me,and cycled the groceries home in the wagon.After the first memorable occasion where I hadn't yet realised that the goods were likely to jump out of the wagon whenever we went over a bump,I brought along a bedsheet and some of those stretchy cords,and covered everything up,like one of those Amish covered wagons.Just on a smaller scale.
I learned the different between paying for stuff on credit card and paying for stuff on EFTPOS.Even though we lived in a small town and both the cashiers at the supermarket knew me,they still wouldn't let me commit credit card fraud by signing for goods paid for by someone else's card,and so I had to make sure there was enough cash on the debit card to pay for stuff.This was in the good old days before the internet (well before we had the internet anyway) so of course the banking was done in person (where they would let me commit a little bit of fraud by allowing me to transfer money from account to account) and it had to be done three days before to allow funds to clear.I think this,and the fact that I was paying my Mum rent from the age of 16 when I first started getting Centrelink payments,was what created the financially aware and independent person that I am today.I have never defaulted on any kind of bill,never asked my parents for a loan and have been living out of home since I was 17.I am shocked at the number of my friends who still live at home,who have bad credit ratings because they've defaulted on payments for various things,and who continually ask for money from their parents.Many of these friends are much older than me.
I learned how to help Mum bathe.I learned how to shave my Mum's legs.This might not sound like such a big deal,but because she was so sick,I learned that you have to be ultra careful not to nick the skin,because Hepatitus can be passed on through contact with bodily fluids like blood of course,and the skin of the sick person is extremely delicate and much more susceptible to being cut by the blade.
I learned how to entertain two small children all day long.My sister made some friends and spent a lot of time next door with them,but there were my two small brothers.I spent hours with them,and their toys,out in the backyard tending to them constantly.Before my parents had been divorced,they were still young enough to be constantly at my Mum's side,especially Kristian,so I hadn't spent more than just the normal amount of time playing with them before this.Spending a few hours with a small child is vastly different to spending all day long with them,as mothers will understand,and I learned what it was like not to have a break from a small,demanding and mostly helpless child.The boys loved playing with leggo fortunately,which was an intellectually demanding enough activity that I wasn't concerned about letting them do it all day long (unlike television),and it was something that I could do with them both without going out of my mind.We could play blocks indoors and outdoors,they weren't going too far away from the house,and it wasn't expensive.I am so buying blocks for my own kids when I have them one day.Mountains of them.My children will become architects because I am going to force them to play with blocks all day long.Just kidding.Sort of.
I learned how to get myself and my siblings up out of bed and dressed and fed on time in the morning.Fortunately ) Mum was sick mostly throughout the summer holidays and only towards the end of her illness did we have to think about school and day care for my brothers.When the day care thing started up again,Mum was well enough to drop the boys off there for the day and then come home and rest.Ashleigh and I could walk quite easily to school.I guess we were lucky in the timing of Mum's illness ).I learned how to cook for the family and how to share chores amongst Asheigh and myself.Actually,I recall drawing up a roster and laminating it,for Pete's sake,so we could use whiteboard markers to tick off when we had completed a chore.I am so my father's daughter in this regard.
I learned how to say 'no' to telemarketers,both over the phone and at the front door.
I learned how to get the Christmas tree and ginormous box of decorations out of the garage and how to get the family involved in putting it up and decorating it.I learned how to cook a full-blown roast for Christmas lunch.I learned how to wrap Christmas presents and address them to my brothers and sister,from Santa.
I learned how to call people on the phone like electricians and Centrelink.
I learned how to pay bills,including rent,which I did at the post office.
Suprisingly,I did not learn how to ask for help.My aunt and uncle lived right down the road and I rarely called them to come and help me.They did drop over every couple of days to check on us,and were there every day at the start of Mum's illness,but not all the time.I wasn't used to having relatives around at all as we'd moved so many times with dad in the Army.I was used to us being on our own.Dad is quite handy and would always be the one to fix things that had broken in our house.With him no longer around,I guess I felt like that role became mine.
Anyway,finally Mum got better and could go to work.She found a job in a doctors' surgery with a really fantastic boss and things got immensely better.I sometimes wonder what sort of person I would be now if I didn't have to run a family like an adult all alone when I was 12.At the time,I didn't think I was hard done by or that it wasn't fair,it just came naturally to me - and there was no one else anyway.So maybe this ability to look after things and people would have been there regardless.Either way,it's there,and I'm happy with who I am because of it.
It's a pity Mum had to be so yellow for so long though.She looked weird.