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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/07 13:58:59
The weather is very cold today,it has been raining in the morning,after breakfast,began to write my homework,write for a while,have a look outside the window,the rain has stopped,after lunch,the rain finally stopped,the sun came out,my mother and I go to the RT-Mart shopping,buy a lot of food,after returning home,I helped my mother to cook,do housework,after dinner,at home to watch TV,go to bed,the days have been very happy.2:today I went to Beijing to see the work of my sister,I am very happy,I in the elder sister family dinner,after dinner,chatting with her sister,and then went to UOB Plaza shopping,we bought a lot of fun things,shopping after we go to eat,eat a lot of delicious food,I am very happy today.3:today is new year's Eve,my father and mother to pay New Year's call together,we went to the grandmother at home,my grandmother said:Happy New year.Have the spring festival atmosphere is very lively,I got a lot of gift money,a lot of people outside in the fireworks,very lively.4:today is the first day,I went to grandmother's home,see long time no see brother,we are very happy,my grandmother made a lot of vegetables,meat,vegetables,fish,shrimp,chicken,a lot of delicious food,we are very full to eat,my brother and I put the fireworks together,atmosphere very lively,we also go to the supermarket to buy a lot of snacks,this is very interesting.5:today I went to the train station to see my sister back to Beijing,I was very reluctant,and I went to KFC,eat a lot,and then went to see a film,the film is very exciting,I and sister went for a walk in the park,and then we go to my aunt 's home for dinner.I had enough
英语翻译1:今天天气很冷,一直在下雨,早上吃过早餐以后,开始写作业,写了一会,看看窗户外面,雨还没有停,吃过午饭后,雨终 英语翻译今天天气非常热,早晨我八点起床,然后我打扫我的房间,中午,我吃过午饭后,我开始写我的家庭作业,在下午,我在家里玩 英语翻译《我的寒假》早上,我九点起床,吃早饭,就开始写作业了.到了中午十二点,我们就去酒店里吃午饭.吃完饭后,我就躺在床 英语翻译今天刮台风.早上风一直很大,到了下午2点左右,开始下雨了.我只能呆在家里写作业、看书、画画.真是无聊. 英语翻译我早上六点半起床,吃过早餐,七点二十分去上学;早上上了四节课,感到很累.下午一点开始上课,上了两节课,体育课很有 英语翻译晚上写作业写到10点才完成,感到很困,彻夜未眠.今天早上看了大夫,大夫说我得了重感冒 吃了药以后感到好点了,但仍 英语翻译 早餐改在车上吃了. 英语翻译1 你擅长什么运动?2 你最大的爱好什么?3 虽然我没有经常联系你,但我在默默的关注你.4 吃过午饭后,你通常会 为什么发烧时体表温度很高,感觉很冷,吃过饭后体表温度降低,却不感觉那么冷了? 用起床 刷牙 洗脸 吃早餐 吃午餐 吃晚餐 上学 上课 写家庭作业来写一篇英语作文 他忘记今天早上他吃过早餐了.He __ __ his breakfast this morning. 书面表达提示:(1)昨天早上六点半起床,吃过早餐,七点二十分去上学;早上上了四节课,我感到很累.(2)下午三点开始上课,