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仁爱英语九年级unit4语法短语有哪些 ,具体点更好 .

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仁爱英语九年级unit4语法短语有哪些 ,具体点更好 .
仁爱英语九年级unit4语法短语有哪些 ,具体点更好 .
Unit 4 短语
1. a million dollars 一百万美元 2. buy snacks 买零食
3. three hundred / thousand / million / billion 三百/千/百万/十亿
4. hundreds / thousands / millions / billions of 数以百/千/百万/十亿计
5. give the money to charity 把钱捐献给慈善机构6. put the money to the bank存钱
7. medical research 医疗研究 8. add…to… 添加…到…
9. be nervous 紧张 10. be late for 迟到
11. at the party 在晚会上 12. wear a shirt and tie穿衬衣打领带
13. what if … 即使…又会怎么样呢?14. get / be nervous 紧张
15. get pimples 起鸡皮疙瘩/长青春痘 16. take a big exam 参加大考
17. too…to… 太…以致不能 18. take a long walk 散一大段步
19. help you relax 帮你放松 20. let me have one 让我有一个
21. speak in public 在公共场合讲话 22. hardly ever 几乎不曾
23. give a speech 作演讲 24. without permission 未经允许
25. with one’s permission在某人许可的情况下 26. ask sb. to be in a movie邀请某人拍电影
27. introduce oneself 自我介绍 28. not …in the slightest 一点也不
29. plenty of 许多…,足够的… 30. the company of … ……的陪伴
31. be easy to get along with 容易相处 32. would rather…than…宁愿…也不愿…
33. English speech contest 英语演讲比赛 34. represent the class 代表班级
35. let sb. down 使某人失望 36. come up with 提出、想出
37. the rest of students 其余的学生 38. be faced with 面临、面对
39. have experience (in) doing sth. 在做某事方面有经验
40. deal with 对付、应付、处理 41. come out 出来、出版、开花
42. by accident 偶然地、无意之中 43. cover with 用…覆盖住
44. go downstairs / upstairs 下/上楼 45. get hurt 受伤
46. refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事 47. hide sth. from. sb.把某事瞒着某人
Unit 4
1. What would you do if you had a million dollars? 如果你有一百万美元,你会怎么做呢?
2. I’m too tired to do well.我太累了不能做好.
3. If I were you, I’d talk to someone who looks friendly.
4. I really want a dog, but my parents won’t let me have one.
5. You like talking to one or two people rather than to a group.
6. You must always hide medicine from children.你必须把药藏到小孩子们看不到的地方.
Unit 4
1.pretend to do sth. 假装做某事 I pretended to sleep just now.
pretend +从句 假装… I pretended that I fell asleep.
2. be late for 迟到 如:I am late for work/ school/ class/ party.
3.what if + 从句 如果…怎么办 , 要是… 又怎么样
如:What if she doesn’t come? 要是她不来怎么办?
What if LiLei knows? 如果李雷知道了怎么办?
4. add sth.to sth.添加…到… 如:I added some sugar to water. 我把糖添加到水里.
5. ask sb. to do 叫…做某事
ask sb. not to do sth.叫…不要做某事
tell sb. to do 告诉…做某事
tell sb. not to do sth. 告诉…不要做某事
如:Teacher asked me to clean the classroom.
Teacher asked me not to clean the classroom.
6. start doing==start to do.开始做某事
如:He started speaking/ to speak. 他开始说话.
7. borrow sth. from sb. 从某人那里借来某物
如:I borrowed a book from Lily. 我从莉莉那里借来一本书.
8. introduce sb. to sb. 把某人介绍给某人
如:I introduced Lily to Anna. 我把莉莉介绍给安娜.
9. invite sb. to do 邀请某人做某事
如:Lily invited me to go to her home for supper. 莉莉邀请我去她家吃晚饭.
10.get along with sb. 与…相处
如:Do you get along well with your friends? 你和你的朋友相处得好吗?
11. would rather do sth. than do sth. 表示愿做某事而不愿做某事
如:I would rather walk than run.
12.let sb. down 让某人失望 如:Don’t let your mother down.不要让你的妈妈失望.
13. come up with sth.提出 如He:came up with a good idea.他提出了一个好主意.
catch up with sb. 追上 赶上 如:Lily caught up with Anna. 莉莉赶上了安娜.
14. have experience doing 在做某事有经验
如:I have experience teaching Chinese. 我在教英语方面有经验.
Unit 4
宾语从句 宾语从句在复合句中作主句的宾语.
由连接词+ 主语+ 谓语 构成
一由that 引导 表示陈述意义 that 可省略
He says (that) he is at home. 他说他在家里.
二由if , whether 引导 表示 一般疑问意义(带有是否、已否、对否等)
I don’t know if / whether Wei Hua likes fish. 我不知道韦华是否喜欢鱼.
三由 连接代词、连接副词(疑问词) 引导 表示特殊疑问意义
Do you know what he wants to buy? 你知道他想要买什么吗?
He says (that ) he is at home. 他说他在家里.
I don’t know (that) she is singing now. 我不知道她正在唱歌.
She wants to know if I have finished my homework.
Do you know when he will be back? 你知道他将会什么时候回来?
He said (that) he was at home. 他说他在家里.
I didn’t know that she was singing now. 我不知道她正在唱歌.
She wanted to know if I had finished m homework.
Did you know when he would be back? 你知道他将会什么时候回来?
Unit 1
1. 提建议的句子:
a. 提建议常用语
1. Shall we …?
2. You’d better….
3. Let’s ….
4. Let us…, will you?
5. Why not/ Why don’t you….?
6. What/How about…?
7. Would you like to…?
8. Will you please…?
b. 同意他人建议常用语
1. Yes, please./OK./Certainly./All right. /Sure.
2. Good idea. /That’s a good idea. /What a good idea!
3. Yes, let’s…/I would be glad to.
4. I would like to. /Yes, I’d like/love to.
c. 拒绝他人建议常用语
1. No, thank you.
2. Sorry, we can’t. /Sorry, you can’t.
3. Sorry, I’m afraid…/Sorry, I’ll…/Yes, I’d like (love) to, but…
1. I can’t get the pronunciation right.
2. I forget a lot of new words.
3. I can’t always understand when people talk to me.
4. I can’t understand the words in magazines.
5. I don’t get much writing practice.
1. You can always write the new words in your notebook and study them at home.
2. You should find a pen pal.
3. Listening can help.
4. Why don’t you join an English language club to practice speaking English?
Unit 2
1. ----She used to be short.
----Yes, she did. Now she is tall.
2. ----I used to eat candy all the time.
----Did you?
----Yes, I did. And I used to chew gum a lot.