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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/09 02:57:25
record作不可数名词讲时是“记录”为什么打破记录是keep a record 当唱片讲时是可数名词,为....制作唱片 是make record for还是 make a record for 或 make records for ?请分别举例说明record的用法
解题思路: 如下
  作动词时,发音为[rI`k ɔ:d],重音在第二个音节。其含义有:
  1. 记录(下来);记载(下来)
  Her diary records all the happenings of her days. 她的日记记载了她那个时代所发生的一切。
  When and how he died is not recorded.他死于何时以及怎样死的,没有历史记载。
  2. 录下(声音、影像等)
  This is not a live match, but a recorded one. 这不是直播的比赛,而是录像的。
  Does this machine record well? 这台机器录音(像)效果好吗?
  作名词时,发音为[`rekɔ :d],重音在第一个音节。其意思有:
  1. 记录;记载(可数)
  Historical records show that Macbeth did in fact exist.历史记载表明麦克白确有其人。
  2. (运动等)记录(可数)
  She did very well, but she failed to break the world record. 她表现很出色,但未能打破世界记录。
  3. (过去的)成绩;表现;功劳;罪行(可数)
  A criminal's record is the list of his crimes.一个罪犯的记录就是他所犯罪行的目录。
  His political record was outstanding.他的政治表现非常出色。
  4. 唱片(可数)
  In any library of records Beethoven's Fifth Symphony is a must.贝多芬的第五交响乐是任何唱片库都应必备的。
  keep a record of...把……记录(下来)。
  I'll keep a record of his telephone conversations.我将把他所有的电话谈话记录下来。
  for the record可正式报导;公开地。
  Just for the record, I think the President is a fool.可以公开地说,我认为这位总统是个傻瓜!
  on record有记录的;公开的。例如:
  The latest hurricane was one of the strongest in Zhejiang on record. 上次台风是浙江有史以来最强的之一。
  We shall have nobody but ourselves to blame if we don't put our point of view on record.我们如不将我们的观点公之于众,遭受谴责的将是我们自己,而非他人。
  hold (keep) a record保持记录;create a record创造记录。
  Several world swimming records have been broken at the Athens Olympics.雅典奥运会上有多项游泳世界记录被打破。
  Liu Chunhong, a Chinese weight-lifter, has created three new world records. 刘春红,一位中国举重运动员,创造了三项新的世界记录。