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英语翻译1博客对很多人来说是一种生活方式.Blogging is a way of life for many peop

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/30 20:46:25
Blogging is a way of life for many people.
Some celebrities’ blog click volume more than a million every day.
Some celebrities’ blogs have a million more hits.
Bloggers can express the personal views and opinions on every topic they are interested in.
It is easier said than done to insist on writing a blog.
A good blogger should insist on posting an article,it is best to have a clear schedule.
Large numbers of blog are” resting blog”,it means that the bloggers have not update their blogs for at least a month.
With the development of Internet,there are more and more people who are using telecommuting.
Telecommuting can not sonly save commuter time,but also save travel expenses.
Though there is a permission to work by telecommunicating,many people would rather go to the office.
If they stay at home for all day,people will not the chance of social interaction
Telecommuting requires the workers to be proficient in computer technology.
英语翻译1博客对很多人来说是一种生活方式.Blogging is a way of life for many peop
Blogging is a way of life for many people.
[blogging这种说法其实没有错 blogging是动名词 如果说了blog才是错误的,因为"博客"不是生活方式,"写博客"才是(对不起实在想指出来..)]
Some celebrities’ blog click volume more than a million every day.
[blog和click volume之间没有连接,所以是错误的 可以说click volume of blog 或者 blog's click volume
click volume和more than a million 之间也没有连接 可以说 (has a) click volume of more than a million 或者 (blog's everyday) click volume is more than a million)
everyday 换成each day 或者 a day 会比较常用,简单一点 不过everyday也是正确的]
Some celebrities’ blogs have a million more hits.
Bloggers can express the personal views and opinions on every topic they are interested in.
[这里用"the" personal views是不对的 因为是"写手"的观点,而不是特指许多观点中的一个 应该用"their" personal views
"view"和"opinions"指的是同样的东西 所以重复了 可以删除其中一项
every topic 中的 "every"有点多余 应该是 "on topics they are interesed in" (it just sounds awkward... people don't usually say it... it's kind of like Chinglish)]
It is easier said than done to insist on writing a blog.
[这里不应该用past perfect(抱歉,我忘了中文怎么讲) 因为这个说法并不是"已经完成的一件事" 应写" it is easier to say than to do"
"writing a blog" 指的是只写一个blog(也就是只有一篇文章) 而这个说法中指的是"坚持写博客(许多文章)" 所以应用" writing blogs"]
Large numbers of blog are” resting blog”, it means that the bloggers have not update their blogs for at least a month.
["large number of "中的"number" 已经是指"大量的" 因为是"一群" 所以不用复数形式 用 large number of (和"a group of people"是一个规则)
这句中,"大量博客"应该指的是"大量博客(的博主)" 所以不应用 large number of blog 而应用 large number of bloggers (记得博主要用复数)
it means 最好换成 this means, 因为指的是"有大量的博客是“休眠博客”"这件事
"have not update" 用的应该是present perfect, present perfect的form是" have done" 所以应用" have not updated"]
With the development of Internet,there are more and more people who are using telecommuting.
["there are more and more people who are using telecommuting" 换成"more and more people are starting to use telecommuting."会更好 对不起我不知道该怎么解释了..]
Telecommuting can not sonly save commuter time, but also save travel expenses.
["commuter" 指的是人 这里要说的其实就是节省时间, 所以直接用"time"就好了"]
Though there is a permission to work by telecommunicating,many people would rather go to the office.
["Though there is a permission to work by telecommunicating,many people would still perfer to go to the office." 个人感觉改成这样比较好 rather和though放一起感觉不太对.. 似乎一般没这么说的]
If they stay at home for all day, people will not the chance of social interaction
["they" 不明确, 如果这个if clause 要放在句子前面的话应把they改成people 后面的people可以改为they 翻过来的话则反之
"will not the chance of" 少了一个动词 因说 "will miss the chance of"
由于有if clause 这句的情况是假设的 所以整句话应用过去式 所以是" If people stayed at home for all day, they would miss the chance of social interaction"]
Telecommuting requires the workers to be proficient in computer technology.
[这里只需要用" the worker" 就可以了 因为并不是要求所有员工,只是操作的员工而已 而"the workers"的话就是泛指所有员工了]
有许多地方表达不好,很抱歉.在加拿大呆的好多中文都不会了QAQ 真是非常对不起 希望LZ能够看的懂并能对LZ有用
再问: 谢谢的热心帮助哦,我的很大一个问题就是中式英语,真希望能多像您学习,您分析得很有道理,谢谢