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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/05 14:34:56
我要原文,英语文字,不要出处! 可以提高悬赏的,拜托了,要原文啊
-Oh look!Are they sweet?Can you see those two playing with the ball?
-I don't call lions sweet and I'm glad that I'm not on that ball.
-That's an interesting ring.Where did you get it?
-Oh I got this with money from my grandmother.It's a real diamond.
-Was I supposed to take this report this week?
-No,I assigned it to Mary.Why don't you take these documents for the meeting next week?
-Pass me the flower please?
-Which tank is it in?
-The one at the end of the show.It's lightly smaller than the others.
-Are you buying map books on ships?I didn't know you were interested in ships
-I'm not.I've just been looking at the pictures.Know this is the one I'm buying on modern aircraft?
-I've found you hate flying.
-I do but I love watching planes
-We are having a lovely time,Dad
-I'm sure there's a lot to do
-There is.We've been for a walking central park.It's so big.Everything here is big.And we've climbed the empire state building.The view was fantastic.We haven't been to Greenwich village yet and we haven't been to China Town either.We're going to do that tomorrow
-Have you seen the statue of liberty yet?
-Oh yes we have.We've just had a helicopter ride out of the city and we flew really close to it
-What about the show?Have you seen the show on (听不清) yet?
-No we haven't.We're going to see one on our last night here.But we haven't decided what to see yet
-Carl,have you got the list of people we are inviting to the party?
-Well as the usual crowd,cross the couple next door
-Oh no.Not them.They're so doll.
-Look Sally,I know.But they'll guess we're having a party because of the noise and in any case we ask them last time.
-Oh well,right.What about food and drink then?
-Well as the usual arrangement,we'll provide the food and everyone will bring along something to drink.
-Sounds good to me.What are we eating?
-I don't know.I've been so busy and haven't done anything about it yet
-How about salads?You know different sorts of salads
-We did that last time.I think we should do something different this time
-What about the chicken(听不清,大概是菜名吧,不影响什么)we had when we were on holiday?
-You mean that chicken in rice with fruit and vegetables?
-Yeah,I cant't remember what it was called.It was really nice.
-Adam,this is it.This is your room.You've got a desk,a bed and a TV.If you need anything else please let me know.
-Thank you.This room is very good
-Come here,I'll show you around the house.The study is downstairs,you can use the computer there
-Oh I've got my laptop.I just need to get it connected
-I'll ask my husband to help you.He and Mary,my daughter are coming home after six.Granma and Grandpa went out for a walk,they'll be back at 4'o clock
-Oh,I'm really looking forward to seeing them
-They'll be very happy to see you,too.Now let's talk about the meal.We'll have dinner at 6:30,breakfast starts at 7:30.Do you want me to prepare a lunch pack for you or do you prefer to eat at school?
-I'll eat at school
-How do you usually get to work?
-I usually ride my bike.How about you
-I feel that I can see more when I ride a bike but I often drive a car.Do you have a car?
-No.I used to have one.Once I write an article about the car and air pollution so I decided to sell it.Now I'm using my bicycle to get around and I've found that I really don't need a car
-Maybe I should sell my car,too
-You could try.It will save you a lot of money on gas insurance and repairs and you'll get lots of exercise,too
-You're right.I really need to lose a few of pounds.Having a car has made me lazy.I never end up walking anywhere
-Let's go to a car dealership.I'll help you try to sell your car at a good price
-Let's go
-Well done.I enjoy your story.Now I'd like to share you with a strange experience I had a month ago.It may sound funny but it's true.After a day's hard work I went to bed earlier than usual.It was about 2 o'clock in the morning and suddenly I woke up.I heard a noise.I've got out of bed and went slowly downstairs.There was a light in the living room.I listened very carefully.I could hear two man speaking quietly.I believed two burglars had broken into my house and I was really frightened so I went back upstairs and immediately phoned the police from my bedroom.The police arrived quickly.They opened the front door with a special key and went to the livingroom.You can imagine how embarrassed I was when they came upstairs and told me they had turned off the television for me and everything was alright