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初中英语on in as of from 的词组

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 06:03:21
初中英语on in as of from 的词组
初中英语on in as of from 的词组
and so on 等等;诸如此类
just on 将近,差不多
on and off 断断续续地,不时地
on and on 继续不停地
be on at [口语]唠叨,不断地找…的岔子 [口语]反复要求;责备;找岔,挑剔:
in on 参与,参加
in between 在中间
in a big way 大规模地,彻底地
in so far as 至于
be in at 在场,参与 参与;与…有关 [口语] (在某事的最后阶段)在场;参与:
be in with someone ◎与…相处得好;跟…亲近 ◎与某人结伙;深得某人(尤指大人物)欢心(或信任)
in the fast lane 在工作或娱乐中总是马不停蹄
keep in with someone ◎保持与某人友好相处 ◎保持与某人结伙;始终赢得某人的欢心(或信任)
in a nod to 作为感谢、致敬或表示尊重
as well 也;同样地;还不如
as well as 也;和…一样;不但…而且
as one 一致的
as soon ◎宁愿…,宁可… ◎同样乐意,同样愿意(常用于 would,had 之后)[亦作 as lief] ◎同样高兴(或愿意) ◎宁愿,宁可(与 would,had 连用)
as soon as 一…就…
as long as 只要;和…一样长
as if 犹如,好似
as much 也;同样多的
as for 关于,至于
as soon as possible 尽快
as a whole 总的来说
as far as adv.至于,直到,远到;就…而言
as of 自……起
as though 好像;仿佛
as being 就是;即像
as early as 早在…的时候
as usual 像往常一样;照例
as good as 和…几乎一样,实际上等于…
as per 按照,依据;如同
as such 同样地;本身;就其本身而论
of oneself 自动地,自发地
of all 在所有…当中
of itself 自行
concerning,about,as for,with reference to,in relation to
out from 从…中迸出
from then on 从那时起
go from 从…处出发
to and from 往返;来来回回
from out of 从…之中
due from 应收