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高一完形填空 When I was a boy Iwas afraid to been seen

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/30 22:27:55
高一完形填空 When I was a boy Iwas afraid to been seen
When I was a boy,I was afraid to be seen staying with my father.He was badly disabled and very __36__,and when we walked together,his hand on my arm for __37__,people would stare at us.I would feel uncomfortable at the __38__ attention.If my father ever noticed or was __39__,he never showed that he knew.
It was __40__ to cooperate our steps--his steps hesitant,while mine impatient--and because of that,we didn't say much as we went along.But as we __41__,he always said,"You set the __42__,I will try to follow you."
Our usual walk was to or from the subway,which was __43__ he got to work.He went to work despite illness and bad weather.He almost never missed a day and would __44__ it to the office even if others could not.A matter of __45__.
He never talked about being an object of pity,or showed any __46__ of others' fortune or ability.What he looked for __47__ others was a "good heart",and if he __48__ one,the owner was good enough for him.
Now that I'm older,I believe that his idea is a proper standard by which yo __49__ people,even though I __50__ don't know exactly what a "good heart" is.But I know the __51__ I don't have one myself.
He has been gone many years now,but I think of him often.I wonder if he __52__ I was unwilling to ben seen with him during our __53__.I am sorry that I never told him how __54__ I felt to be his daughter.At such times I put my hand on his arm to __55__ my baiance ,and say,"You set the pace,I will try to follow you."
36.A.tall B.short C.energetic D.strong
37.A.comfort B.encouragement C.strength D.balance
38.A.unwanted B.kind C.helpful D.crazy
39.A.bothered B.supported C.persuaded D.liked
40.A.important B.difficult C,easy D.necessary
41.A.worked out B.started out C.dug out D.reached out
42.A.habit B.rule C.foot D.pace
43.A.how B.when C.why D.where
44.A.walk B.make C.go D.get
45.A.pride B.faith C.patience D.same
46.A.help B.envy C.wealth D.diligence
47.A.on B.in C.for D.with
48.A.found B.looked C.won D.kept
49A.judge B.mention C.know D.punish
50.A.yet B.but C.ever D.still
51.A.times B.ways C.places D.people
52.A.agreed B.smelled C.touched D.sensed
53.A.walks B.visits C.talks D.stays
54.A.unworthy B.happy C.proud D.disappointed
55.A.escape B.record C.repeat D.regain
高一完形填空 When I was a boy Iwas afraid to been seen
36、B 根据文章他不愿意和父亲呆在一起得知父亲外表并不好
37、D 根据 disable 可以得知父亲需要借组别人保持平衡
38、A 作者很不喜欢别人那样看着自己所有选unwanted
39、C 因为不喜欢父亲hand on my arm所以应该选C但是父亲不听
40、B 根据文章内容可知很难保持一致
41、B 根据后文You set the __42__,I will try to follow you."可知是出发的时候
42、D set the pace 决定步调
43、A这是一个how引导的方式状语从句Our usual walk was to or from the subway station,from where he got to work.
44、B make it成功做到.后文说许多人都没有做到但是父亲每次都做到了
45、C 别人都没有那样的耐心
46、B envy 羡慕
47、B 在别人身上寻找这里指内心深处所以用in
48、A 对应 look for 这里指找到
49、A 以父亲这样的标准来判断人
50、D 直到现在我依然不知道what a "good heart" is.
51、A 这个空要结合全文就是说可以肯定的是在我和父亲一起走的路上我肯定没有,因为我嫌弃父亲
52、D 不知道父亲有没有感觉到
54、C 自豪
55、D 获得 这里不是身体的平衡而是学习父亲的为人之道