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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/17 16:51:41

翻译: Broad-yu, simplify the definition of a "wet and shiny U.S. stone." According to China's traditional concept of folk stresses, including not only Dushan Jade (Nanyang jade), Jade (jadeite), agate (chalcedony), turquoise, etc. , also includes the Crystal (quartz),岫岩玉(serpentine) and Shoushan stone, Qingtian Stone (dickite), heliotrope, etc.巴林石. This situation in many archaeological literature has also been used, people tend to be those with a process to appreciate the value of jade into the category of jade or stone artifacts introduced.
Narrow-yu refers to the French mineralogist Moore said of jadeite (Jade) and nephrite. China's archaeological circles as the right to威夏have advocated the exception of Mr.薡nephrite, jadeite jade types of things than can be said to have not known as jade, and their specific names, can be used to replace the ore name.
Excluding these two things, geological academia where it was suggested that the use of arts and crafts rock, EC Choi Shek into categories, and technological requirements of the ore material is classified as category gemstones.
二、玉石简介 (英语演讲)
玉,以其质地细腻,玲珑剔透,自古被人们所喜爱. 玉具有除热、柔筋强骨,安魂魄、利血脉、明耳目长 等疗效.玉能养人,人能养玉.
Jade, with its fine texture and exquisite,is enjoyed by people. Jade can expel hot, strengthen the body, nerves , and promote the blood circulation. People keep jade, jade adoptee 目录 content s 2 1 Hetian jade 2 Dushan jade 3 Lantian jade 4 Xiu jade 5 Feicui
鉴定玉的标准,一般有以下几条: 一是看玉的比重.比重越大,玉 越珍贵. 二是看玉的硬度.硬度越强者玉 石越佳. 三是看玉的色泽.红的为翡,绿 的为翠.翡和翠布满就可以称为 宝石.当然玲珑剔透也是一个方 面. 四是听玉的声音.脆者为佳,哑 者为劣. 五是看做工.常言道:黄金有价 玉无价.这句话并不科学.所有 的玉都是论斤,论立方购买的. 和艺术结合,才决定它的价格. 六是看玉的时间.玉有古玉和现 代玉之分.古玉就是文物.现代 玉就是艺术品.一块年代久远的 古玉,价值可以连城.
The standard of justifying the jade: 1.the proportion of jade. The greater the proportion, the more the jade precious. 2.the hardness of jade. The bigger the hardness ,the better the jade. 3.the color and lustre of jade. The red for fei, green for cui. If it is fulled with fei and cui, it can be called gems. Certainly exquisite is one aspect . 4.listening to the sound. Crispy is preferred, dumb to bad. 5.handiwork. As the saying goes: valuable jade priceless gold. This sentence is not scientific. All of the jade is concerning about the purchase, cubic meters. Combined with art, the price of its decision. 6.The time. Jade is divided into ancient jade and modern jade. ancient jade is cultural relics. Modern jade is artwork. A piece of antique jade is priceless.
一般所称中国"四大名玉 ",是新疆产出的"和田 玉"、河南南阳产出的" 独山玉",陕西蓝田玉和 辽宁岫岩县产出的"岫玉 ".
The general says Chinese “four-jade ” contains “hetian jade”,“dushan jade”,“lantian jade”and“xiu jade”.
独山玉颜色复杂多样,在玉石上分布表现为二:一是各色相互 浸染交错,杂乱无章,另一类表现为大致呈平行带状展示,且有 色相、浓度上表现为呈渐变的关系.它的质地近似于软玉和翡翠, 具有坚韧致密细腻的性质.它的透明度从半透明、微透明到不透 明都 可以见到.
Dushan jade colors is complex and various. In distribution ,it appears firstly Contaminated crisscross, chaotic, and another roughly a parallel bands. It's similar texture is soft jade,its character are Tough density and exquisite . Its transparency varies from translucent to can being seen.
蓝田玉的名称初见于《汉书.地理志》,美玉产自 “京北(今西安北)蓝田山”.其后,《后汉书. 外戚传》、张衡《西京赋》、《广雅》、《水经注》 和《元和郡县图志》等古书,都有蓝田产玉的记载.
The first name of lan tian jade appeard in “han shu” .the jade is produced in lantian mountain ". Subsequently, the “HouHanShu ", “The guang ya ", "water the note“ also have its record.
岫玉现为我国蛇纹岩玉石总 的工艺名称.广义的岫玉包括辽 宁岫岩玉、广东南方岫玉、四川 会理岫玉、新疆昆仑岫玉和北京 十三陵所产京黄岫玉等.狭义的 岫玉则专指辽宁岫岩县所产的岫 岩玉(简称岫玉).它的颜色多 种多样,但以白色、淡绿色为常 见.它的硬度为2.5---4.5;比 重2.5左右;油脂光泽或蜡状光 泽;半透明至不透明,也有极少 数为透明,与有机玻璃比较相似.
Jade is the general term of the serpentinite Generalized jade includes Guangdong nanfang jade,liaoning xiuyan jade, sichuan huili jade ,xinjiang kunlun jade and Beijing jinghuang jade, etc. Sensu stricto ,the xiu jade refers to the production of liaoneng xiuyan . Its color is varied, but with white, green is common. Its hardness is 2. 5-4. 5,proportion of 2.5 .
翡翠硬度为7,比重3.33.矿物折光率:Ng=1.667, Np=1.654;重折率0.012. 常见的翡翠颜色有白、灰、粉、淡褐、绿、翠绿、黄绿、紫 红等,多数不透明,个别半透明,有玻璃光泽.按颜色和质 地分,有宝石绿、艳绿、黄阳绿、阳俏绿、玻璃绿、鹦哥绿、 菠菜绿、浅水绿、浅阳绿、蛙绿、瓜皮绿、梅花绿、蓝绿、 灰绿、油绿,以及紫罗兰和藕粉地等二十多个品种. Feicui hardness is 7, and proportion of 3.33. Mineral refractive index: Ng= 1.667 ,Np= 1.654, Heavy discount rate is 0.012. The common color of feicui jade are white ,ash, brown, green, pink green, yellow green and red. The majority is not transparent , individual translucent, luster. Divided by the color and texture,It includes turquoise-blue, colorful green, HuangYang green, YangQiao green, glass green, YingGe green, shallow green and so on.