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高一完形填空检验On the way to dinner last week , we found a kid call

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/09 04:59:57
On the way to dinner last week , we found a kid called Murali on the street .He was doing __16__by the light of the street lamp across the road.
He probably had no __17__at home,and this was the only way he could study after it was__18__.What it more,he was rather __19__-he probably eats less in a day than I eat in a __20__.I felt very surprised to__21__his dedication.I immediately__22__Aurolab,who was the first person in his village to __23__college.He syudies every__24__until midnight on the roadunder the __25__and only point of electricity in his village.His family borrowed money from loan sharks to support his__26__and the money he __27__every month was less than the loan he should pay.
When we rounded the corner ,we bought some fruit and took it back for__28__.Murali needed a new pen too,so he got mine ,Murail is 15.but he__20__about 8.He’s less than half the__30__of my 16 year old cousin in California.
What __31__me most was not just his dedication,but the contrast between his attitude and mine .I ‘ve expressed complainst quiet __over a little worse conditions,I’ve been__33__studying for all kinds of far smaller reasons.
__34__Murali does it all without complaint,without asking “why me?”And then I felt it,My thanks to Murail dor__35__me how every part of my life is of great advabtage and for reminding me of the proper attitude in life-thankfuless.
16 A homework B business C washing D exercise
17 A space B book C electrucuty D desk
18 A dark B noisy C cold D dirty
19 A young B lazy C stupid D thin
20 A break B meal C month D week
21 A invent B hear C see D feel
22 A made up B thought of C looked for D turned to
23 A finish B open C build D attend
24 A night B afternoon C noon D morning
25 A moonlight B lamp C star D streetlight
26 A life B food C housing D education
27 A earned B spend C saved D borrowed
28 A her B him C them D us
29 A sounds B keeps C looks D stays
30 A weight B size C knowledge D experience
31 A moved B excited C surprised D worried
32 A carefully B loudly C sliently D slowly
33 A continued B kept C liked D stopped
34 A so B but C and D then
35 A telling B warning C showing D directing
我的选项是 16 A
17 C
18 A
19 D
20 B
21 C
22 D
23 D
24 A
25 D
26 D
27 D
28 B
29 B
30 A
21 C
32 B
33 B
34 D
35 A
然后概述下本文内容 谢谢
高一完形填空检验On the way to dinner last week , we found a kid call
27 A 应该是earned 因为Money 他家人已经borrowed 了 所以不可能是borrowed 这里是说 他分期还他家人borrowed的Money 所以他每个月赚的钱根本不够还分期的贷款 (less than the loan he should pay)
29 C 这个是说 Murali 已经15岁了 但是看起来只有8岁 所以是looks
30 B 像上面说的 15岁的小孩看起来只有8岁 应该是整个size 都偏小 不仅仅是体重像8岁
33 D 32的时候已经说了 我的complaint是loudly 所以到33的时候 才会由于各种小原因就停止学习 所以该选 stopped
34 A 虽然murali学习条件不好 但是他的态度跟我的完全不一样 他不会抱怨“why me” 这里带转折的语气 所以是but
Aurolab 跟我在去吃饭的路上 碰到个在路灯下学习的小孩 他们的village 电力不是很足 而且这小孩家里条件也不好 但小孩的家人宁可去贷款也要帮他完成学业 加上Murali也很刻苦 从不会抱怨这么恶劣的学习环境 然后我拿自己跟他做了个比较 其实我比他幸福很多了 但我还经常因为各种小事情 就抱怨 或者不学习了 所以这件事提醒我对生活要抱着感恩的态度
22是对的 turned to 因为文中是we 所以同行的人 是Aurolab
25也是对的 他们的village 电力不足 所以肯定是路灯 月光的话 根本不够亮